Thursday, December 19, 2019

RAINBOW OBSIDIAN: Gemstone of the Month

The French writer Albert Camus once wrote, “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” In this darkest time of winter, the stone of rainbow obsidian can remind you of that invincible summer within yourself. Like the rainbow comes after a storm, rainbow obsidian holds this rainbow within itself, as a promise of hope encapsulated by the fertile darkness. This stone is useful for grounding and is a powerful protector. It can help you touch on some of the root causes of emotional distress. It carries you deep within yourself and aids in shining light on different, perhaps buried, parts of oneself. This journey is not always pleasant to begin with, but looking deep into oneself bears the fruit of true understanding and peace that cannot come without an earnest and determined search.

Use this stone as an ally in this dark months, to dig deep and find your inner rainbow.

“Rainbow Obsidian helps one take the downward journey to unexpected Light. One often expects the spiritual Light to be found above, in one's flights towards Heaven, but for most human beings it's impossible to escape the prisons of one's own wounded psyche without going down. This journey into the depths is as amazing as it is necessary. As one descends, one finds the forgotten pieces of oneself that have been left behind at each wounding. Reclaiming the parts and continuing downward, one may experience more emptiness and deeper darkness before suddenly bursting into Light at the very nadir of the descent.” - Robert Simmons

by Theresa Musatto