Thursday, December 19, 2019

VIRGINIA CEDARWOOD: Essential Oil of the Month

While most trees are bare this time of year, cedar trees are evergreen. Cedar oil can remind you of your deep strength and give you some emotional stamina this winter. Cedar is considered a sacred tree in many different cultures and traditions. It has been used in many different religious and spiritual ceremonies and practices, partly because it is known to relax the mind and body, making prayer and meditation easier. Used in aromatherapy, cedar oil can be a wonderful tool for aiding both relaxation and concentration. It can both alleviate feelings of stress and stimulate cerebral function, making it easier to focus. Cedar oil can help ease tension in the body and make it easier to fall asleep. It can be used to help one breathe easier, help with the buildup of phlegm, and a variety of other respiratory ailments. To help with breathing, try using it as a natural vapor rub by diluting it and massaging it into the throat and chest.
When diluted and used topically, cedar essential oil can help ease inflammation, dryness, cracking of the skin, acne, and can reduce signs of aging. It can facilitate wound healing, as well as soothe muscle aches and spasms.
Cedar oil is great for encouraging hair growth and health. It has been known to reduce hair thinning, slow hair loss, and help improve circulation to the scalp while cleansing.
It also can be used in spray bottles to disinfect and to repel insects.
Enjoy cedar oil's many and varied benefits this winter season.

by Theresa Musatto