Thursday, November 21, 2019

After Wrapping All The Gifts, Wrap Yourself Up!

A Bavarian monk named Father Sebastian Kneipp developed an herbal wrap treatment along with his practice of hydrotherapy and herbal regimens. He used layers of hot, herbal-scented towels, similar to the aromatic body wraps of today.
You can save hundreds of dollars and enjoy this technique in your own home. Few materials are needed. A large plastic or vinyl sheet that is waterproof, along with a blanket, large beach towel and a 12-ounce spray bottle are all that is necessary.
Lay out the blanket on the floor, put the plastic sheet over that, and the beach towel over that. Fill the spray bottle with very hot mineral or distilled water with a total of 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oils. Shake well and spray onto the beach towel. Shake often while spraying. Lie down face-up on the beach towel and reach around to grab all the layers, pulling them around the sides and on top of you. Time is important, because the essential oils are evaporating and the water temperature cools quickly. Consider a heating pad under the blanket to assist in warming.
Close your eyes and relax totally in your "cocoon". You can stay wrapped up as long as you are comfortable and remain warm, about 30-60 minutes. Aromatic wraps encourage your body to detoxify by increasing perspiration, stimulating circulation, and promoting lymphatic drainage. A detoxifying wrap would include Cypress-6 drops, Lemon-5 drops, Juniper- 2 drops, and Lavender- 2 drops. Or for a relaxing blend, try Lavender-10 drops, Bergamot-3 drops, and Sweet Orange- 2 drops.

by Judy Burger