Saturday, August 17, 2019


Triphala is an herbal blend made from three medicinal plants that are native to India. It is a fundamental remedy of Ayurvedic medicine, one of the world's most ancient medical systems that has its origins in India over 3,000 years ago.
Though you may not have heard of Triphala or Ayurveda, both the remedy and the healing system are becoming increasingly popular around the world.
The unique blend that is Triphala consists of three herbs: Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amla. It is an overall health tonic that is very helpful for digestion but it also acts to boost the immune system, reduce stress, can help with the effects of aging, and disease prevention.
Haritaki is known in the Tibetan tradition as the “king of medicine”. Its longstanding medicinal use is often indicated in depictions of the healing Buddha, in which he is offering the fruit as a remedy and medicine. It has a positive effect on the brain and heart, as well as regulating digestion. Haritaki has been shown to have notable effects on spiritual and mental awareness.
Amla, also known as “Indian gooseberry”, is a powerful rejuvenating herb that is loaded with vitamin C. It lowers and regulates cholesterol, boosts immunity, promotes eye health, prevents premature aging, regulates digestion, promotes healthy hair, as well as other beneficial effects to the system.
Bihitaki is called the “one that keeps you away from disease”. It is another powerful rejuvenating herb that is drying and strengthening for the mucus membranes throughout the body, especially the lungs, intenstines and urinary system. It tones the digestion system,can help during periods of stress, boosts the immune system, and can help heal stomach ulcers.

by Theresa Musatto