Thursday, August 22, 2019

Crystal Grid for Students & Teachers

For drive, focus, co-creating, setting & accomplishing goals & stress relief
Picasso Jasper- Promotes development of creativity, brings strength & self-discipline.
Shungite- Keeping wisdom of the past and applying to the present to create new future.
Kyanite- Removes blockages from energy field, improves brain function & promotes honesty.
Magnesite- Looks like brain- has powerful effect on mind, brings hemispheres into harmony
Golden Flourite- Alignment of mind & will. Manifests ones' thoughts through centered, focused action. Aids in thinking things through. Flourite calms the mind and settles any erratic energy and can help one retain information. Golden Flourite stimulates the solar plexus, encouraging creativity, confidence and drive.
Marcasite- Promotes self-direction and the willingness to take charge of one's life. Assists in determining a direction or goal and taking the steps necessary to achieve it. Organizing thoughts with actions and reminds us of our responsibilities as co-creators of our realities and keepers of our personal power. 

by Kellea Devies