"Dumortierite opens the doors of insight, activating the third eye chakra and assisting one in making the mental leaps necessary for transcending intractable difficulties or seemingly hopeless situations. It enhances all mental abilities- linguistic, mathematical, abstract, etc.- as well as what is termed 'emotional intelligence.' It activates the latent psychic abilities and stimulates clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. In gifted individuals, it can instill the gift of prophetic vision. It can even facilitate the building of skills in psychometry and psychokinesis. The simplest way to work with Dumortierite for these purposes is to meditate or sleep with one of the stones. In addition, wearing a piece of Dumortierite in jewelry allows one to be immersed in its energetic pattern all day long, speeding the process of vibrational assimilation.
Dumortierite is a strong stone of mental discipline and is capable of enhancing one's 'will power' in regards to learning. It is excellent for students, especially those required to take in large amounts of information in short periods of time. It aids in memory retention, as well as in the mental manipulation of concepts necessary to bring forward a new synthesis of ideas.
Because of its stimulation of mental and psychic powers, Dumortierite is ideal for those who work in areas such as astrology and tarot. In both cases, one must master a complex symbolic system and then use one's intuitive abilities to derive the most accurate interpretation from the data at hand. This type of task is tailor-made for the properties of Dumortierite." -The Book of Stones