Wednesday, February 26, 2020

AVENTURINE: Gemstone of the Month

As winter begins to slowly fade and some bits of green begin to appear on the ground, one can be reminded of the vibrant color of the gemstone aventurine.. Derived from the Italian word “venture” meaning “by chance”, aventurine is considered a stone of opportunities and a bringer of good luck. The stone can increase feelings of positivity and hope. Considered a heart stone by many, aventurine can help to soothe any old wounds and give one a feeling of calm and joy. It helps one to embrace change and can give a feeling of newness and restored faith. The stone can be seen as a sort of “spring cleaning” for our emotional self.

“Green aventurine's essence is that of spring bursting forth after a long, dark winter. It's frequency stimulates renewal on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, assisting one in releasing old patterns, disease, and lessons, so new growth and movement can take place... It soothes emotional wounds and facilitates the release of outmoded relationships, emotional patterns, and heartache. Its frequency stimulates a sense of renewed hope and joy and is very useful for those who have issues of depression... It acts as an emotional anchor, keeping one rooted in the heart when emotional storms arise.”

-Naisha Ahsian , The Book of Stones

by Theresa Musatto