Wednesday, November 27, 2019

FRANKINCENSE: Essential Oil of the Month

Frankincense is a wonderful oil to use when you want to feel connected spiritually, as the case may be this holiday season.
Frankincense is the dried resin from the Boswellia tree. The resin is burned as incense, and often incense in stick form is made from it. The scent is said to be very uplifting spiritually- some say it can help you feel connected to the Divine. The resin is anti-inflammatory and can be used for a variety of ailments, such as arthritis. The essential oil contains constituents that help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, while enhancing mood and memory. It can work against aging, by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other spots, as well as increasing the skin's elasticity. It can be used for cleaning, as it eliminates both surface and airborne bacteria. It can both disinfect and tighten pores, therefore being helpful with the effective healing of cuts, scars and wounds. When inhaled, it can work to encourage easy breathing, clearing the nasal passageways.
Being a strong anti-inflammatory oil, it can reduce redness, itching, and swelling, and is known to soothe inflamed skin. It can also stimulate growth of new cells and help with circulation and blood flow.
Be sure to always dilute essential oils before applying to the skin. Never ingest essential oils, as they are very potent and can damage the liver if used without caution. Avoid frankincense essential oil if pregnant or nursing.

by Theresa Musatto