Saturday, August 24, 2019

LEMON BALM: Essential Oil of the Month

Lemon balm is a perennial herb that is a member of mint family that grows wild locally. It's latin name “Melissa officinalis” originates from the Greek word melissa, which means honeybee. It was planted in ancient Greece by the beekeepers of the temple of Artemis to help attract bees. It is generally seen as a calming, soothing herb and this property extends to its medicinal effect as an essential oil as well. The oil can be used to treat anxiety and even depression, as it has been shown to uplift mood. There are studies that show it can promote mental clarity and can even have a positive affect on Alzheimer's. It is strongly antiviral and can be diluted and used topically to treat cold sores. It can be used as a natural bug repellent and air freshener.

by Theresa Musatto