Saturday, June 29, 2019

ROSEMARY: Essential Oil of the Month

Belonging to the mint family, Rosmarinus Officinalis, which translates to ‘dew of the sea’, is an herb native to the Mediterranean, and has a sharp, energizing, herbaceous evergreen scent with a slight hint of citrus. The essential oil is distilled from the flowering tops or the leaves. Rosemary oil can mildly stimulate poor circulation, energy, the nervous system, the adrenal glands, and can help improve memory, which is why the ancient Greeks wore garlands of rosemary around their heads when studying, and also why we put it in our Study Aid Aromatherapy Inhaler! Rosemary oil is helpful used as steam to lower cholesterol and relieve lung congestion as well as sore throats. Use as a massage diluted in a carrier oil for pain, sore aching muscles and rheumatism, but also used as a scalp massage for hair growth. Well-known for its antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties it was an important ingredient in the Four Thieves Vinegar, an herbal concoction used in the Middle Ages to protect from the plague, which is an oil blend still popular today to ward off illnesses such as coughs, colds, and the flu. Also useful for skin care, due to its high iron, calcium and phytonutrients, making it helpful in protecting skin from sun damage and other free radicals.

by Chelsea Morning