Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Stocking an Herbal First Aid Kit: Bites, Stings & Splinters

If you are curious about herbal first aid but don't know where to begin, start slowly by stocking your medicine chest with a few basic herbal products used to treat minor injuries. The herbs suggested for first aid are safe & effective and generally cause few side effects. As with any medicine, though, you should keep these remedies out of reach of children.
While nature provides a variety of bugs to pester us, she also supplies herbs to stop the itching and swelling of those bug's bites and stings. There are many herbs that stop itching and reduce swelling, but my favorite is lavender which not only smells great but also reduces the risk of infection. Try this Insect Bite Oil:
1 teaspoon lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Combine the two oils and dab the mixture directly on the bite as needed. Caution: Keep Insect Bite Oil away from your eyes.
For more severe stings and bites of bees, wasps, ticks and spiders, combine lavender with echinacea and bentonite clay into a poultice. The clay pulls the poisonous material to the skin's surface and keeps it from spreading. (Reminder: restrict activity for at least 20 minutes to prevent the poisons from circulating through the bloodstream). Echinacea lessens any allergic response that might occur. Remember, however, that allergic reactions can have serious consequences. If you know someone is allergic to a particular insect, do not depend solely on herbal first aid- seek immediate medical attention. Wheezing, swelling and hives are all indications of a serious problem.

by Judy Burger