Wednesday, May 29, 2019

LEMON EUCALYPTUS: Essential Oil of the Month

Lemon Eucalyptus, also known as Eucalyptus citriodora, is a tall tree from northeastern Australia. The essential oil (the refined version of which is sometimes called PMD) comes from the lemon-scented leaves and twigs. It is used as an alternative to toxic insect repellents, working to mask the cues mosquitoes use to locate their target. A recent study published by NPR states that NMSU researchers found that a product containing oil of lemon eucalyptus was about as effective and as long lasting as products containing DEET. Lemon Eucalyptus oil can also be diluted and applied topically to prevent deer tick bites. It is useful in treating muscle spasms, osteoarthritis and other joint pain and even toenail fungus. When added to a chest rub, it can relieve congestion. It is also antiviral and can be used to treat cold sores.