Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Crystal Grid for the Radiant Heart

"I am in perfect alignment with Divine love and I radiate that love to all."

Jade- Acceptance of joy. Finding comfort in making choices by dissolving scarcity issues (fear of loss). Strengthens personal will & relationships. Allowing one's self to receive abundance.

Pink Opal- Heals emotions connected to subconsciously held pain. Brings resolution, gentleness & compassion for one's self. Alleviates feelings of isolation & facilitates angelic communication through fortunate synchronicities.

Rhodonite- Aspires one to act with purpose when working towards fulfillment & the desire to love & be loved. Enhances the clarity and depth of one's inner experiences, sense of self-worth and links to personal destiny. Stone of generosity, altruism and the outward expression of love.

Garnet- Strengthens tangible truths. Manifests genuine versions of dreams and ideals. Allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe. Excellent ally for those wishing to attract or invigorate love relationships.

Green Tourmaline- Emanates a subtle energy that harmonizes with the physical heart, creating a flow of wholesomeness to all parts of the self. Opens one to Divine love. Invigorates expansive energy, loosens inhibitions, allowing for personal growth and self-expression, lessening fear of change.

Prehnite- Unifies heart and will, creating a broadcast beacon for the heart's field of energy. Quiets dissonance, clears emotional debris from the aura & sets one's heart on surrendering to Divine will.
w/ Epidote- Attracts what one emanates, reminding us that virtue brings its own rewards, in regards to things such as love & compassion. Helps one overcome hopelessness and self-defeating patterns. Teaches us to raise the vibrations of our thoughts, generating optimism and the will to create a life of positive transformation.

Rose Quartz- A stone of Love- for one's self & life partner, to the extent of Universal and Divine love. Moves one from isolation into a sense of union with all. Dissolves anger and resentment, links the personal heart to the Heart of the Earth. Reprograms one on a cellular level to resonate with joy & longevity. Helps the budding (emotional) heart bloom into a thousand-petaled lotus of light, stabilizing the (physical) heart as this shift in frequencies takes place.

by Kellea Devies