Wednesday, October 24, 2018

SCULLCAP: Herb of the Month

Scullcap (scutellaria lateriflora) is a powerful calming herb with many uses. The name comes from the latin scutella, meaning "little dish". It is also sometimes called Mad Dog Weed, because in the 1700's it was used as a treatment for rabid dog bites. 
Scullcap calms and strengthens the nerves, relaxes spasms, relieves pain and promotes rest. It can help to rebuild nerve sheaths, and can actually stimulate the brain to produce more endorphins. People who are going through opiate withdrawal may find scullcap to be a calming ally. 
Scullcap is very high in antioxidants. It fights free radicals and therefore has been researched as a cancer fighter. Also due to its high antioxidant content, we find scullcap to be very helpful in calming anxiety as a nerve tonic. It is comforting and is used to promote emotional well-being and relaxation during times of distress. Those with epilepsy may find a reduction in seizures- it also reduces tremors, muscle spasms and other nerve-related symptoms. 
Scullcap also reduces inflammation and can be helpful for those suffering from arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases. It also has cardioprotective efffects, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease. 
Scullcap is a very potent herb and should be used with precaution, particularly when using it in tincture form. It should not be used during pregnancy.
Try a cup of scullcap tea at the end of a long day to help relax and ease into sleep.

by Kristy Baird