Saturday, March 17, 2018

Understanding Tarot & Oracle Cards

Understanding Tarot and Oracle Cards
By: Amy C. Keiper also known as the writer L.C. Harrison

Defining the difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards lies in the approach of the two different types of guiding inspirational tools. Tarot is built around a story with symbols that involve numerology, and are rooted in meaning developed over time by many contributions. Oracle cards are image and concept based, involving symbolic imagery created by an individual artist or writer, often two people working together. Artists usually contribute their own meanings to the art and imagery that they create for oracles.

Historically, Oracles have always been ways to connect with spirit or the divine to seek out answers to specific questions. Oracle cards approach this guidance in simple reading layouts of one to three cards, each deck is unique. When reading these cards, the inquirer may follow suggestions made by the creator of the oracle and follow their meanings behind their imagery and art, or one card may be chosen and the inquirer may draw conclusions based on their own meditation on the image before them and what that picture may mean to them. Often, with oracle cards both these methods are applied by seekers utilizing this diverse tool for guidance.

Tarot can actually be called an oracle. Historically, Tarot has developed from playing cards with suits and court cards. The story in tarot is depicted mainly through the Major Arcana, which are numbered without suits. However, each minor suit tells its own story in sequence from ace to ten with each suit’s court having their own descriptive personalities. These cards have symbols that have been long established with specific meanings rooted in Greek mythology, Biblical and Historical symbols, and Egyptian Myth and stories. There are many differing layouts some simple and some more complex. Although in modern times, artists and writers have added some new life and ideas with differing symbols and interpretations to these cards, many of the original symbols and meanings are still applied. Some decks do have their own unique stories created by the artist or author for that deck, still these cards can often have the long established card meanings applied to them as well. There are many decks based around popular well known stories such as Alice in Wonderland or Arthurian legend, with these decks individual seekers who may have an affinity with these stories, may find these cards easier to understand with the added layer of meaning from a familiar story. A seeker may utilize the oracle approach to interpreting a Tarot card, as in meditating on a single card’s image, as well as the complex layout with each spot in the layout referring to a specific aspect for the card’s meaning to be applied to.

Basically, Oracle Cards are guidance tools, where the art on each card gives the interpreter meaning to apply to their question. Tarot is a guidance tool that is symbolically based with set meanings for the seeker to interpret and apply to their question and current life path. Both tools are useful in guidance seeking, however Tarot usually does not allow for answers to specific questions, where Oracle Cards are designed for that purpose. Tarot’s approach is often broad and more generalized in guidance, where Oracle Cards may be more specific and direct.